The 3-phases

The 3-Phases

On average professional footballers experience around six job relocations as they aim to advance in their careers, with 40% of the players frequently crossing borders on those transfers.

Upon arrival, the adaptation process begins. In the world of sports many studies have examined the challenges of migrant athletes during their relocation to a new environment.
Results have shown that a transition without proper guidance will result in the player giving up his career abroad and returning to his native country after a short time.

Based on various studies, we have developed our own methodology that has led to three phases in the adaptation of football players to a new culture environment:

The goal is for players to move through each phase, with the end goal being a successful cultural, social, personal, and athletic adaptation.

  1. Pre-transition phase

Refers to consideration and planning of future relocation, in which the football player starts to psychologically disengage from their home environment and will be provided and prepared with information about their future teams, coaches, club culture, and the overall sociocultural environment in the particular destinations.

  1. Arrival Adaptation phase

Concerns the experience that the football player goes through shortly after their relocation. In this phase, the player needs to learn to under- stand and fit in with a new local culture and social context. During this phase of adaptation, the player may struggle with missing the social network of family and friends, higher training levels, established daily routines, familiar weather and landscapes.

The player and his family need to learn about the possible differences between their established routines and practices, and the opportunities and constraints offered in the new environment after relocation.

  1. Cultural, Social & Athletic Adaptation phase

Is an extension of the arrival adaptation phase and refers to the athletic, psychological, psycho-social, and cultural & environmental adjustment. This applies for relocation for a longer period of time. In this case when players stay for a longer period in a new country at their club:

Athletic level: Stronger competition, Higher tempo, Harder training, Physical challenges.
Psycho-social level: New coach, teammates, agents.
Cultural & Environmental level: Loneliness, difficulty adjusting to a new environment and culture, Self-Doubt and Homesickness.
Psychological level: Adolescence, Social comparison